Discover How to Repair Your Smile
Teeth are going to break down, you’re going to start losing things. Decay happens. You might get cracks, lost teeth, whatever it may be, and we have to fix it. That’s something that we don’t want to have spaces in between our teeth. We don’t want to have teeth that are in pain. We don’t want to have things that are crumpling and decaying. And the beauty with dentistry nowadays, we have so many great options. We have so many amazing fillings that last a tremendous amount of time if it’s done well. If you lose a tooth, we can do some implants and we can restore things. So it feels and looks like a natural tooth. You don’t have to go to dentures, you don’t have to go to partials that people really quite frankly don’t necessarily really like. So you don’t have to have something that’s removable in your mouth.
And when you can have the effect of giving somebody a long-term stable approach towards their dental care, I want my patients to live to 100, and I want them to have all their teeth until they’re 100. And we have that at this practice. I can think of several patients in my office right now that are in their late 90s early, early 100s and they still have a multitude of teeth. And it’s because we’ve allowed them the opportunity to take care of themselves from a dental perspective. And that’s my ultimate goal, right? I want you to keep your teeth. I want you to have the most conservative treatment done and the most predictable and long-term solution for that.