You Deserve a Better Athletic Mouthguard

You Deserve a Better Athletic Mouthguard
Sports are a year-round activity for many families. Whether you are in the middle of a sports season or preparing for fall sports to begin, you need to protect those winning smiles whenever you take the field or the court. To do that, get custom-made athletic mouthguards for all the athletes in your family at our Bingham Farms, MI dental office.
Better Fit
As part of our general dentistry, we are happy to make mouthguards for our patients. We have heard several people complain that the mouthguards they find in stores are bulky and interfere with breathing. Custom mouthguards are smaller and allow you to breathe, drink water, and speak to your teammates without removing them.
Better Protection
If you are packing something fragile, you wrap it up put it between things to reduce the risk of it breaking. For something extremely valuable, you would put it in a hard case where it would rest in foam padding custom-molded for that object.
Your teeth are invaluable, too. A custom mouthguard is like that hard case with the foam padding. It’s made to give you the best protection possible.
Stay in the Game
Each year, nearly 5 million teeth are knocked out of their sockets in the United States. Many of those are knocked out during sporting events. A dental injury, like other injuries, can keep out out of the game that you want to play. By protecting your winning smile, you are making it more likely that you will get to keep playing longer.
Call 248-885-8247 or fill out our online form to request an appointment at Groth Dental in Bingham Farms, MI.