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Three Reasons to Get a Dental Crown

Do yourself a favor and get a dental crown. When you have a problem with a tooth, many times a crown can be the simplest and most durable treatment option. Here are three reasons you should get a crown.

1. Tooth Decay

When cavities are small, a dental filling is usually all you need. However, a crown is a better option if you have a large cavity or you have already replaced a filling multiple times.

2. Broken Tooth

Accidents happen. Some of those accidents cause your teeth to break or crack. Rebuild your tooth by getting a crown at our practice.

3. Infected Tooth

A root canal is the best way to remove infected tissue from your teeth. A crown is the final step in this treatment to cap your tooth and restore its natural function.

Dental crowns have proven to be an incredibly versatile service. To get yours, call 248-885-8247 or fill out our online form to request an appointment at Groth Dental in Bingham Farms, MI.

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